I absolutely love the holidays. They totally validate my endless appetite for dressing up and shaking a tail feather, something to be indulged all year round, but in the festive season there are so many more opportunities to boogie.
I love a party so much that if there isn’t a social occasion I’ll throw one just for me. I pour a glass of Sancerre, turn on the music (Stones) and bop. This often involves use of my mini trampoline. It’s a habit developed in the English countryside when the kids were small. We were broke and overworked and the most you could hope for by way of a social event was a cup of tea in the village hall. Since arriving in LA I’ve made up for lost time and then some.
Perhaps these tips, gleaned from extensive personal experience, will help you navigate the festivities with aplomb.
While getting ready for a party it is never a good idea to treat yourself to two glasses of Veuve to get in the mood. This will only result in you turning up minus mascara and with your hair pulled back in an unflattering ponytail.
While at a party it is inadvisable to invite everyone you meet over to your house for Christmas. This will result in you having to hire a marquee and caterers and not actually recognizing many of the people who turn up.
Do wear trousers if there is the slightest risk you will be overtaken with the urge to show off your latent gymnastic skills and leave a venue walking on your hands.
Do try to resist agreeing to take part in a charity fire walk and committing yourself to it by getting sponsors around the room. This will seem less of a good idea the following day.
Demonstrating your pole dancing skills is inadvisable in the presence of iPhones. Videos may be shared on social media and your son’s friends may come across it.
You can have this tip after the weekend – sorry. Must dash, am late getting ready to go to a Thanksgiving party…