India Butler’s journey to America put her life on a new track. Now a trip to Paris threatens to derail her – or to make things all they are supposed to be. With a new job, a new friend, a potential new lover and an old lover, India is dealing with nearly as much as she can handle. But that’s only the beginning…
“What a wonderful book, a dramatization of an authentic way of being and the journey that India, the main character, takes to get there.” – Beverly Donofrio, Author of Riding in Cars with Boys & Astonished
“I am delighted that Parisian Chic inspired India to explore Paris. Thérèse must have been French in another life.” – Inés de la Fressange, Author of Parisian Chic
India Butler, single and about to turn forty, travels to LA in an attempt to reinvent her life. In a world rarely illuminated by the flashbulbs of the paparazzi, she discovers the true meaning of “having it all.”
“India’s Summer offers a timeless tale of women supporting one another – delivered in a way that makes it feel fresh, alive, and utterly of the moment.” – Arianna Huffington
“India’s Summer avoids the familiar clichés of LA and yet captures the character of the city so well.” – Orlando Bloom