“Two countries separated by a common language” – George Bernard Shaw
Since being here, some things have...
“Two countries separated by a common language” – George Bernard Shaw
Since being here, some things have...
“The band will get back together when hell freezes over” – Don Henley, 1982.
Hell froze over...
I know. It’s been a while. I’ve missed you too. “So what happened?” I hear you ask....
I’ve zipped past the north-pole and flown over China before re-entering the blogosphere this week. I’ve been...
I’m not clubbable. Like Groucho Marx said, “I don’t want to belong to any club that would...
When you start to look like your passport photo, it’s time to go home – Erma...
The slogan on this T-shirt caught my eye as I was sitting at the airport yesterday. I...
My promotional book tour continues. Technically I’m not certain that randomly giving out copies of India’s...
Only a few more days before I take a trip overseas to gather ‘content’ for my eagerly...
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