It has been a very busy couple of weeks. The Fiction Studio and I partnered with Amazon on a free Kindle promotion of my book. There was so much Twittering and Facebooking that I eventually ran out of people to ask and was in serious danger of losing my mind and my friends. I was thrilled we managed such high ratings and so grateful to everyone who rallied to help launch India into the world. Thank you.
It has also been one hell of a learning curve. Turns out people can get bitchy even when you’re giving them a free gift. As a result I’m done checking my Amazon ratings hourly and ignoring feedback that comes with less than four stars. I will also never be able to look at a stranger the same way again. I’ll always be wondering if they are ‘Catty’ who posted; “Did not like this book. Trite and boring. Just flipped pages looking for something good. Didn’t happen.”
Catty nothing DOES happen if you just flip pages looking for something good and waiting for something to happen. Why don’t you try a Peter Rabbit Pop-up book instead? And Nell, don’t worry that you “probably won’t read any other books by this author” because the author hasn’t written any other books.
What is it in my psyche that dismisses twenty-three unsolicited rave reviews and focuses on the one nasty personality who goes by the moniker Anonymous? Honestly. Really? You felt the urge to tell the world that you had deleted a free book from your phone? You are one hell of a sad dude and I don’t use the word lightly, in fact being English, I have never used the word before. It feels good Dude, really good.
But the great news is, that despite your attempts to deflate me, right now India’s Summer has more Amazon stars than the 75th Anniversary edition of Gone With the Wind. I know the fact that I checked it makes me look pretty sad too, but ‘frankly my dear. I don’t give a damn!’